How to host your next thanksgiving in Australia

It’s kind of like the Super Bowl of holiday hosting—lots of hype (plus some drama and trash talk) before the big game. This year, the order of the day for Thanksgiving is to chill. Everything you need is right here: recipes you can easily adapt for picky preferences, guidance on how to deal with difficult guests and sullen teens, and words of wisdom on the fine art of not micromanaging. #gratitude

Thanksgiving is the same everywhere – as long as you decide to celebrate it. Technically, this holiday may be from the States – but if you and your family want to celebrate it, you can do right here in Australia. Here are some steps to the ultimate thanksgiving.

  • Start Planning: No matter if you want to host the dinner home or go to Gourmet Traveller listed restaurant, you need to start planning early. Send out the invitations, get your hands on some gift cards, and plan every detail to make the event successful.
  • Think About the Menu: You can either cook it yourself or have it served to you. If you are hosting it at a restaurant, then it’s easy, a great selection of dishes will be on hand, but if you are cooking at home, remember to find out the dietary requirements of your guest. Not doing this can often end in disaster.
  • Do Things in Advance: You have the plan in order – but now you have to put it in motion. The earlier you start, the less you’ll freak out about things the closer it gets. Seating charts, dinner arrangements, food choices – all of them can easily be done in advance, just give yourself time and the experience will be far more enjoyable.
  • Be Thankful: It is Thanksgiving – and you are the one hosting it. Be thankful that your friends and family are there with you, enjoying all the delicious food.

For the best thanksgiving restaurant experience, visit and select from some of the best food discovery restaurants in Australia.

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Mazishtaa Dorabjee

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